How to Create and Make Organic Fertilizer from Leaves?

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Organic fertilizers are a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to nourish your garden. One of the best sources of organic fertilizer can be found right in your backyard: leaves. In this article, we will explore the process of creating and making organic fertilizer from leaves in a simple and cost-effective manner.

Collecting Leaves

The first step in making organic fertilizer from leaves is to collect a substantial amount of dry leaves. Ensure that the leaves are free from any diseases or pests. You can gather leaves from your yard, a nearby park, or even ask your neighbors for their fallen leaves.

Shredding the Leaves

Using a shredder or simply running over the leaves with a lawnmower, shred the collected leaves into smaller pieces. This step helps in accelerating the decomposition process, making it easier for the leaves to break down and become part of the soil.

Composting the Shredded Leaves

Place the shredded leaves in a compost pile or bin to initiate the decomposition process. To speed up the decomposition, consider layering the leaves with nitrogen-rich materials such as grass clippings or kitchen scraps. Turn the compost pile regularly to aerate it, allowing beneficial microorganisms to break down the organic matter efficiently.

Allowing Decomposition

Allow the compost pile to decompose for several months. During this time, the leaves will break down into rich, dark organic matter, forming nutrient-dense fertilizer perfect for your garden.

Using the Organic Fertilizer

Once the composted leaves have turned into a dark, crumbly texture, it is ready to be used as organic fertilizer. Spread the finished compost around your garden, flower beds, or vegetable patches to enrich the soil and provide essential nutrients for your plants.


Creating organic fertilizer from leaves is a rewarding and sustainable practice that benefits both your garden and the environment. By following these simple steps, you can transform fallen leaves into a valuable resource that promotes healthy plant growth and reduces waste.

Start making your organic fertilizer from leaves today and witness the bountiful benefits it brings to your garden!

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